I don’t know about you, but most of the time I am not flattered when the Bible refers to us as “sheep.” Yes, I love the imagery of the LORD as my Shepherd and even Jesus when He declared Himself as “The Good Shepherd.” The flip side of that is yes, we are sheep. That is not a compliment. Sheep are not the sharpest tool in shed. Often, they do things that demonstrate their elevator may not go to the top floor. How many schools designate their mascot as sheep? The chant, “We are the mighty, mighty sheep” just doesn’t evoke fear and intimidation in the opponent. Be that as it may, it is true. We humans are very much like sheep for all the not-so-great reasons. That is only part of the story though. There is a flip side, or in the words of the Hall of Fame radio commentator Paul Harvey, there is “a rest of the story.” The rest of the story is good news, and it should evoke a desire in us to be a little more like sheep. OK, for some of us, a lot more. The sheep can teach us Christ followers some great lessons, if only we listen for the rest of the story. The rest of the story will be told on Wednesday, November 23, at our Annual Bread Feast. Don’t miss it.