Na Tribe

Fortifying women to be
the wives, sisters and leaders
God created us to be.

Our Motto

 Valiance, Beauty, Endurance

Valiance, because God did not design us to be isolated and fight the battles alone. We belong to a tribe and push on.

Beauty, because we are beautifully and uniquely created by the hand of God. To embrace this is an honor to his creativity.

Endurance, because when we feel attacked by the Enemy, it is time to fight and not recoil.

Contact us through Instagram or email.

Join Us At

The Fire

Women’s Alliance

website and Instagram.

Our Creed

  • I am a steadfast woman with an uncommon desire to succeed.
  • I will keep myself honest, spiritually aligned, and morally straight.
  • I will lead and be led, and in the absence of leadership I will take charge and lead by example.
  • I am not too proud to ask for help. I belong to a tribe and do not struggle alone.
  • My past failures do not define me. When the world knocks me down, I will get back up every time.
  • Faithfulness to family and devotion to God is my destiny.
  • I will be vulnerable and finish strong.

And who knows whether you have not come into the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14