
The days are getting shorter, and I’m not just referring to the amount of sunlight in each day. The number of days until we march to the new campus is dwindling also.

In preparation for the grand move, we are going live and in person with our last prayer meeting on the current campus.

That’s right folks, we are going to kick it old school and have an in-person prayer meeting on Wednesday, December 8, at 6:30 PM. (NOTE THE TIME CHANGE).

Mark your calendar and gather in the current sanctuary on Wednesday, December 8 at 6:30 PM. It will be a great time of worship, prayer, and praise as we remember and prepare.

On Another Note:

In our annual business meeting on November 14, the church approved a ministry action plan (budget) that is an increase of 22%. It includes the loan payment for the new building.

Please ask and seek God’s direction in how He wants you to be part of His plan to provide for Immanuel as we move to a new campus.

Our God will provide and many times it is using the people He has already in place. Let’s pray and watch Him work.