
Sunday morning is one of the most segregated times in the United States. That statement is directed toward the family. The historical Sunday morning for a family going to church goes something like this: They battle to get ready for church and final get on their way. The car pulls into the parking lot, smiles break out and everyone is “too blessed to be stressed.” They enter the doors; the children go one way, and the parents go in the opposite direction. Two hours later, the family gathers back at the car, “What did you do this morning? What did you talk about?” The response: “I don’t know, nothing big.” That ends their “church experience” for the week, where it is repeated one week later.

It is not supposed to be that way. Discipleship of the next generation should be a partnership between family and church. The Bible clearly mandates the family to be the main teacher and trainer of their children and the church should come alongside them in the process.
Enter TreeHouse, an environment where both parents and children laugh and learn TOGETHER. It sets the stage to take the truths introduced home so the family can dig deeper into what it means to be a child of God by creation and a follower of Jesus by choice. Parents, why not join your children in TreeHouse Sunday at 9:30 AM?