
There are Biblical truths for which we do not negotiate or compromise. In these core doctrines we should have unity. Examples include Jesus’ deity, salvation in Christ alone by faith alone, and the Virgin birth of Jesus.

There are negotiable truths that are not essential to salvation, but nevertheless important. The timing of Christ’s return and certain elements of baptism fall under this umbrella. In negotiable truths, we have respect. In all things, we have love.

In 1 Corinthians 10, the Apostle Paul talked about freedoms he could enjoy but chose not to for the sake of others. He did this so they may not be offended and therefore hear and embrace the Good News of Jesus.

The wearing of masks has the potential to become a divisive issue in the church. We have been given the freedom to go without, but is it beneficial and good for the Immanuel family?

Masks are not a NON-NEGOTIABLE truth. Even when given all clear for everyone to be mask free, there will be some who choose to wear and some who will not.

At Immanuel, we will honor and respect both decisions and we will love each other mask or no mask because we are family and that is what families do, especially FOREVER FAMILIES.