
At the conclusion of the historical account of Jesus bringing sight to Bartimaeus, we read that he followed Jesus “on the way.”

“The Way” is what the early church was called, but “the way” was also the road to Jerusalem.

At the end of “the way” were two of the three most important days in history: Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday.

To follow Jesus on the way, Bartimaeus shed his cloak. That cloak was his identity, his means to make a living. In short, it was the most important part of his old life, but now he has a new life.

He probably also brought some things on “the way.” He brought a new life, new attitude, and a new sense of gratitude. He most probably brought some old things as well: friends, family and anyone who would listen to his story.

What about your journey on “the way” to Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday? What are the things you need to shed or discard that will bog down or even derail your journey?

Who are the people you can invite on the journey? Make the list of things to shed to make the journey and the people you want to take. Invite the people to join you on/in the way.