

The journey has begun. We have set our face toward Jerusalem and begun the trek toward Easter Weekend.

It will be long and filled with a variety of encounters, experiences, and stories. On Sundays we will look at some objects that will help steer us toward Jesus.

We will see how a stone can be a reminder of the importance of humility as well as a picture of mercy and grace.

Bartimaeus’ coat reminds us of the “things” that we love and feel like we need, but, in actuality, keep us from experiencing what Jesus has to offer.

A woman offered an extravagant sacrifice to Jesus, but for the gift to be offered something had to be broken and poured out.

On the day of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, a pair of animals led the way. There is so much those two donkeys can teach us about our journey with Jesus.

Easter is the most important day of the year for Christians. Let’s not walk haphazardly into it. Do not let it jump up on you by surprise. It is Sunday, April 17th.

Let’s prepare for it by doing a couple of things. Begin now by reading Mark 8-16 before Easter. Read it twice. Also ask God to show you who to invite and begin praying for them to be open to your invitation.