Sometimes our view determines everything. On a basketball court, the referee’s view determines his/her call on a given play. Two different views, two different calls. I wonder, does our view […]
Sometimes our view determines everything. On a basketball court, the referee’s view determines his/her call on a given play. Two different views, two different calls. I wonder, does our view […]
Keys as we know them, are becoming a thing of the past. They are being replaced by plastic cards with magnetic strips or chips and push buttons. However, there is […]
Treasury agents are trained to spot counterfeit bills by knowing the real currency so well it can spot a counterfeit, but they are also taught the techniques of counterfeiters to […]
Professional athletes, referring to playoff performance, call it taking their game to the next level. To go to the “Next Level” means doing something a little different, whether it is […]
Just a few of the questions we will shed Biblical light upon during the “Forever” series: • What does the Resurrection do?• What is eternal life?• What are the two […]
SPECIAL CALLED BUSINESS MEETING On Sunday, April 11 immediately following the 11:00 AM worship service, we will hold a special called business meeting for the purpose of authorizing Deanna Leedy, […]
In heaven we will enjoy many of the activities that we now enjoy. We will work, play, eat, hike, take in the arts, and many other things we love to […]
Tools are the instruments we use that help us accomplish something. We love our powered ones that cut, drive, build or demolish. No matter at what we are engaged, there […]
As a child, we heard “no” because we thought our parents didn’t want us to have fun or get what we wanted. As a parent, we say “no” because we […]
Work is being completed. The foundation has been prepared and poured. The footers have been dug and poured. There is now a solid foundation upon which to build. Utilities have been brought […]