Ministry Teams

Worship Leadership & Design Ministry Team – The vision and purpose of the Worship Design team is to visually, artistically and theologically translate the DNA of Immanuel worship gatherings. The team work directly with the Pastor and Worship Leader to design, develop and create powerful God-experiences. We utilize all forms of the arts to communicate God’s Word while moving people to a closer relationship with the creator.

Sunday School/Small Groups Ministry Team – Sunday school /Small Groups exist to be a place for believers and non-believers to come together to learn more about the gospel of Christ and be trained to live a life worthy of their calling as Christ followers. We have small groups for all ages.

The tasks of the Sunday School/Small Groups Ministry Team shall be to:
Intentionally prepare people for each phase of life by teaching scripture in a relevant age-appropriate manner always with the end in mind.
Reach people for Christ and develop them to become His healthy lifetime followers.

Encourage and lead students into the life of the entire church family.
Provide and interpret the vision, goals and purpose of the church.

Building and Grounds Ministry Team – The goal of this team is to create, develop and maintain a church campus that is fit for the King. Their responsibilities include maintenance of the church buildings, grounds, equipment and fixtures.

Finance Ministry Team – Immanuel views all monies given to the church, not as ours, but His. This team works to use all the gifts given to Immanuel in the most efficient and God-honoring way possible. The church doesn’t spend money, instead it uses the gifts to invest in kingdom work.

Responsibilities of the Finance Ministry Team:

  • To prepare the annual church ministries budget for approval by the church.
  • To count and record all offering taken and all money received by the church.
  • To recommend to the Trustees investment of the church’s money.
  • To issue checks in payment of all approved church expenditures in a timely fashion.
  • To make public the church financial status on a monthly basis/quarterly basis.
  • To work with the Pastor in educating and promoting the biblical practice of tithing to help promote the support of the church’s vision.

Deacon Ministry Team – The office of deacon is one of ministry and service to Jesus Christ through His church. Any other understanding of this office does disservice to the Bible and is not Biblical. The deacons live out their calling by using the Family Ministry Plan. The main job description of the deacons is to preserve the harmony of the church and free the Pastor to give full attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.

Special Events/Hospitality Ministry Team – The Special Events/Hospitality ministry team exists to create and carry out events that will serve as an introduction for non-members to Immanuel Baptist Church as well as increase opportunities to make a connections within the church.

Student Ministry Team – The Student Ministry team exists to prepare middle and high school students to become adults who will live out their God destiny and to pursue a calling instead of a career.

Children’s Ministry Team – Children’s Worship Ministry team exists to support and enhance the parent’s role in the spiritual development of their children. We will seek to develop habits in children which promote Christ-like conduct and reflect the purpose and personality of Christ.

Personnel Ministry Team – The Personnel Ministry team exists to assist the church in matters related to the Pastoral and Church Staff.

Welcome Assimilation & Usher Ministry Team – The Welcome & Usher Ministry team exists to create an environment and strategy that will help move people from first time guests to fully growing members of Immanuel.

Preschool Worship Ministry Team – The Preschool Worship Ministry team exists to partner with parents to help each child build a strong spiritual foundation in Jesus Christ while ministering to his/her individual needs through structured play and loving care.

Missions Ministry Team – The Missions Ministry Team exists to serve the community is which we reside.