
The inspiration for the mega successful Nike marketing campaign, “Just Do It” (that
launched in 1988), came from an unusual event.

A convicted criminal was facing his death. In the face of fear and uncertainty he told
his executioner “Let’s just do it.” When Dan Wieden read that story, it inspired the
now famous campaign.

His hope was that “Just Do It” would inspire people to pursue their dreams,
hopes and aspirations, no matter how HARD they might be.
We have declared 2024 as a year of Big Steps for Immanuel. That means it will be a
HARD year.

My challenge to us:

Don’t let the HARD come to us, let’s go to the HARD!

Under the teaching of Scripture and the leadership of the Holy Spirit, what HARD
step of obedience might God be asking of you?

I sense God’s leadership to do some hard things in 2024. Some are personal and
some are pastoral.

What about you? Could it be in service at church? Share your faith story with a
friend? Finances/Giving? A step of faith for salvation? Baptism? Forgiveness?

Whatever it is, I am trusting in the promise that God, who began a good work in
you/me, will bring it to completion. Together, let’s just do the hard thing.