

Numbers are important, for various reasons. The “Shultz” family number is “17.” Four of us were born on the 17th, I began to follow Jesus as Savior when I was 17 years old. Whenever possible, they chose the number 17 for their jersey.

The number “21” is also important. The first is for the obvious reason: Age. When a person turns 21, they are, according to laws, completely adult with all the privileges and responsibilities. It is also important for another reason.

Research tells us that it takes 21 days to transform a practice into a habit. If you repeat something for 21 days, it becomes a part of your daily life.

I am issuing the Immanuel 21 Days to Easter Journey. Day 1 of the journey will begin on Monday, March 15, and the last day will be on Easter morning Sunday, April 4.

During this journey, we will read scripture, pray, and even fast as we seek God’s face. We will pray for personal, church and national revival. We will ask God to draw people to Himself and prepare us for the greatest day in history: The day death was defeated, and we were set free.

EASTER – APRIL 4, 2021