
A functioning alcoholic is a person who is dependent upon alcohol but can still operate daily although probably won’t remain functional for long. Why do I bring that up? Let me explain.

I was wondering if many of us live as “functioning atheists?” A 2017 survey discovered that only 7% of the world population are truly atheist. I define a “functioning atheist” as someone who professes to believe in God yet lives like there is no God.

I suspect Christian churches worldwide are filled with people who are “functioning atheist,” people who praise God on Sundays and pursue personal interests the rest of the week.

In MI-E, we are building a case that Jesus is who He said He is. When we come to that conclusion it should transform our lives. If He is God in the flesh, rose from the dead and is coming back to take us to His home, it should dominate our every thought, action, and attitude.

Paul, in his letter to the Romans, says when we reflect upon all God has done for us the only proper response is to offer our lives as a living sacrifice. In other words, when we embrace and trust that Jesus is who He says He is, the way we live our daily lives should be a never-ending “Thank You” back to Him for the great gift He has given us. Let’s let our actions reflect what we say we believe.