Welcome to Immanuel! We’re glad you are here.

“Preparing Hearts for Home” is Immanuel’s mission. “Home” has a dual meaning. First, we seek to prepare people to experience God’s love in their current situation with the people they love most. It also means preparing people for the “home” that Jesus is getting ready for those who love Him and are living according to His purpose.

At Immanuel people are welcomed as they are. It is a safe place to explore your relationship with Jesus and ask life’s tough questions. You are encouraged to be part of a Sunday service, whether in-person, or streamed online on our website or on Facebook.

Service Times are at 9:30 and 10:45 AM if attending in person and 10:45 AM for the Live stream.

Welcome gifts are available to 1st time guests, just speak to one of the friendly greeters. It is a way to say “Thank You” for choosing Immanuel.

When are your services?

In person services are at 9:30 AM and 10:45 AM
Live Stream 10:45 AM

What does a typical service entail?

A typical service entails a welcome, where no-one is singled out, followed by live music. Following the music, the Pastor brings a message that seeks to be Biblically accurate and relevant. It closes with music that will help reinforce the message, followed by announcements and potential next steps that can be taken. Pre-Packaged communion is observed the last Sunday of each month.

What is the length of a typical service?

50-60 minutes

What is the attire?

Come as you are, as long as you are dressed. Seriously, you can dress as fancy or casual as you like. Our Pastor shares his message dressed in business casual.

Will I be identified as a guest?

No, guests are never called out. There are gifts for 1st time guests that can be received by completing a connection card and asking one of the greeters on your way out.

Will I be requested to give a donation?

No, while the Bible teaches Christians to give back to God out of the blessings He has given, guests are not expected to give. If a guest chooses to give back to God you are certainly welcome, there are receptacles where you can place your gift, located just outside the worship center.

What if I have kids/students?

During this time of pandemic and restrictions all children/students are part of the worship gathering. When the social distance restrictions are eased and/or lifted there are environments for every age group.

What are Immanuel's safety protocols?

Immanuel practices the CDC and local safety protocols.

What if I have additional questions?

If you have additional questions, please feel free to email our office at admin@immanuelbaptistchurch.org or call 410.687.9166

Sign up to receive the weekly digital newsletter, the “Immanuel Beacon.”

You will also receive a weekly email regarding upcoming worship series’ along with a message listening guide and upcoming events information.
Your email information will never be shared with anyone and you can unsubscribe at any time.

    Digital newsletter submission

    Thank you for the opportunity to get to know you and walk together with Jesus.